World record escape artist claims he didn’t do it: never did drugs or drink in his magical career. Now helps others escape the addictions

Magician Michael Griffin motivates students to escape the temptation of drugs, drinking, and peer pressure.

COLUMBUS, OH APRIL. 25 / -- Michael Griffin, America’s Escape Hero and only Two Time Winner of TV’s World Magic Awards for Best Escape Artist is showing students around the nation that escaping the threats of drugs and alcohol and peer pressure is not only possible its relatively easy making the magic change to their thought processes.

Michael Griffin Official Trailer

Michael Griffin, America’s Escape Hero started out his career at 18 knocking on the doors of Hollywood’s managers and agents finally left Hollywood because he wouldn't do drugs or alcohol as recommended by those professionals in an effort to fit in “it was Hollywood’s way” he was constantly told. He was even, after one particularly harrowing invitation and suggestion that he turned down, that he would never work in this town again. The escapist let it be known that even if he had to leave town for years and years he would succeed and not by going along with the peer pressure. Some riches are not measured by an actor’s bottom line in the checking account, they are measured by the actor’s self-worth and that’s when the idea of helping others realize that they can escape their own invisible straitjackets emerged.

He traveled the World escaping impossible situations, He even survived a public hanging. Michael Griffin knows what it’s like to feel a straitjacket gripping tight - it is exactly what many students have told him their lives feel like being exposed to drugs, alcohol, peer pressure, bullying, and negative thinking.

Michael Griffin has become one of the World’s most unusual motivational speakers and travels to schools and groups throughout the year with his message to the audience that no matter what the pressure you say out loud 3 times “ I WILL ESCAPE!” It is with constant repetition that this phrase takes over and can save your life.

About Michael Griffin:

Performing astonishing escapes and setting records around the World for over two decades, He is One of a Kind; The only 2-Time Winner of TV's World Magic Awards for Best Escape Artist. Proclaimed "The Ultimate Escape Artist" by Ripley's Believe It Or Not TV. Star of TV's Masters Of Illusion, and many network TV Shows, Michael Griffin is considered the Greatest Living Escape Artist. He is the ONLY escape artist to ever survive a hanging on the back of a horse with a thirteen-knot Hangman’s Noose in 52 seconds! What’s the secret? It’s Griffin’s strong mind, conviction, heart, and belief. “I do not use drugs or alcohol. I never have and I never will. I simply do not believe in their illusion, nor the illusion of negative thinking which is the toughest strait jacket we will ever face; but, if you put your mind to it, and you believe in yourself, you will always escape”.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Kris Edwards


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SOURCE: Outrajus Productions

Outrajus Productions T: 310 845 6860  E:



World record escape artist claims he didn’t do it: never did drugs or drink in his magical career. Now helps others escape the addictions (Copy)


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